Mission: To create accessible leadership growth opportunities for the School of Engineering that equip students with leadership skills to excel personally, professionally and technically and identify with leadership beyond working on technical projects.
Vision: To integrate professional skills and sustainable and interdisciplinary leadership knowledge, skills and attitudes into the identity of Guelph Engineering. Integrating leadership means providing accessible opportunities that foster lifelong learning required for personal and professional growth.
Values Statements:
1. Our work will remain grounded in foundational leadership.
2. Student DRIVEN
3. Our work will value and facilitate peer-to-peer connections with emphasis on student-led initiatives.
4. Our work will inspire and develop the mindset to value personal and professional growth equally.
5. Our work will promote the graduate attributes of Communication Skills, Professionalism, Ethics and Equity, Individual and Team Work, and Impact of Engineering on Society and the Environment.
6. Our work will promote engagement in leadership opportunities outside of the GEL community.